& Magazine Presents: Drops Volume One, the first in a series of pocketbook paperbacks that specialize in the curation and compilation of Anonymous Postmodern Literature, short stories of genre-bending market fiction, the experimental, the mundane, the avant-garde, the traditional. Where is the cutting edge of contemporary fiction? What will we find as we explore the concept?
All submissions to this series will be thoroughly vetted for quality, originality, and copyedited for unintentional errors. Authors whose work is chosen for publication in this series will be offered a cash prize of $50USD.
Literary Fiction is the theme for Drops Volume One. Contributors wishing to submit material for review, please do so in Manuscript Format via Google Docs, or a .doc or .docx or .txt file compatible with any common word processor. The wordcount range for submissions is 3000 to 8000 words. Please have your agent submit your work via the proper channels on /lit/.
The deadline for submissions is July 1st, 2024.
We look forward to reading your stories!
& Staff