Berkeley in the Machine

How real is the world around you? Most of us can look at the things around us and think nothing of it. I see a tree because a tree is there. However, perhaps things are not as cut and dry as that. What if the tree is there because you see it? You do not … [DO NOT CLICK]

An Interview with Mark Marek

by Anonymous When we were young, we thought we’d seen it all. I remember the first time I found any violence on the internet: Chechclear. I remember exposing my own mother to Nick Berg’s beheading. She went to bed and fainted. I regret doing that. It probably traumatized me too but overtime my morbid fascination … [DO NOT CLICK]

We’ll Bury the Mare in the Morning

    This prospector’s highway would go nowhere but to that little land beyond which no more highways went and all along the way the winter wagons made their slow wrangle south, snowblind and buried by frozen rain. The median narrowed and the wagons thinned and soon the roads merged and broke into the stones … [DO NOT CLICK]


by Anonymous Burgerpunk was this picture. You’ve seen it. The picture from every burgerpunk thread, the headliner picture. A highway service station that’s rich to the max in traffic, signage, burgers, parking lots. The picture shot so that its distance comes up all flat in your face like it’s a middle-ages painting before they’d figured … [DO NOT CLICK]

Divorcing America from Americana

by Anonymous “America has no culture,” sounds the shrill cry of the modern crypto-Marxists. A boring and low-effort criticism, to be sure, but not one that has yet managed to be totally rejected, debunked, or stomped out. While variations on the same theme have widely been refuted in discussions of ‘White’ culture, ‘European’ culture, and … [DO NOT CLICK]