area 22

area 22 — “How can you taste anything if you can’t smell?” I was busy in the kitchen making biscuits. “I don’t know, Patrice, you tell me.” She didn’t say. I could see heat waves off the oven. It was 11:32 on a Sunday. Long night last night. Our horrible dog kept running around and … [DO NOT CLICK]

Hypocrisy and Democracy

by Anonymous Are we still democrats?  Preface   This essay is nothing more than a sledgehammer blowing against the palace of glass  that is democracy, or more specific: people that call themselves democrats (with a  small d). The main goal of this text is to explain the concept democracy – as far as I  can do … [DO NOT CLICK]

An Interview with F Gardner

by Anonymous The clock on my mobile phone read 06:00 exactly; I had been expecting this for over three weeks. Here it was. The voice told me my car would be outside in one hour. I was already dressed and ready to leave. I was collected by an older model Cadillac, the type that was … [DO NOT CLICK]


by Anonymous Let me tell you my dream, the boy said, holding up a finger. I was in my father’s car. I cut myself on the dial of the radio of my father’s car. The knob broke off; my hand broke off. I felt for it in the seats and under them. When I looked … [DO NOT CLICK]


by Anonymous The winds of change roared through the streets of New York like a hurricane. The strong current attacked everything without prejudice. It turned over buildings. It turned over factories, cars, houses, banks, families, and lives. The dust left in its wake settled on ruins. Roland Myers exited his newly bought car and entered … [DO NOT CLICK]

Burger Spunk

by Anonymous Menthol, god I love menthol. It’s better than pussy, it’s better than your parents loving you. I work this shit job flipping shit, serving shit, taking shit, primarily so the menthol cigarette break I take every 2 hours is even better. If I didn’t drop out of college, if I had a respectable … [DO NOT CLICK]


dddddddd12322. Look faggot, I’m more than willing to publish your stupid ARG, but you have to understand that nobody will appreciate it. It’s likely that nobody will even see it. Nobody comes here. He may even be here right now.

Eddie Van Halen

by Anonymous You were the antiquarian of driving a Thunderbird out of a high school parking lot on a crisp Thursday afternoon while your girl hands you your first Miller Lite of the weekend. You were the turbine spinning as people cheer so hard on Daytona’s infield that rolled up Playboys fly out of the … [DO NOT CLICK]