The Photographer

by Anonymous The couple entered my apartment around four in the afternoon. A bit late for my services but this had been a special request. Engagement photos on the soon be groom’s tight work schedule. No other photographer would see them. It was easy money. I used the spare bedroom of my apartment as my … [DO NOT CLICK]

Stealing from Yourself

by Anonymous There might be no greater shame than looking out the window and seeing nothing but empty asphalt that hates you back. Maybe there is retribution in sealing yourself away in this far away world where nothing happens except the dim silver trucks rolling by with their logos of conglomerated companies or the echoes … [DO NOT CLICK]


by Anonymous The first drops ricochet against the windowpane. Thick heavy globsof water splash on the pavement. Heavy clouds loom dark now,getting darker as the sun goes down. The rain picks up harder,faster. The bullets sting as they pierce the grass blades below.Puddles form in the dirt; dark reflections of the angry faces lookupward to … [DO NOT CLICK]