
When the cat dies they receive a DVD in the mail containing her memories. The screen shows fish in a bowl, bugs running away, and a young girl practicing a dance in the living room. The speakers play chewing, scratching, scraping of nails on glass, shoes tapping on wood, and a piano and a trumpet … [DO NOT CLICK]

The Harkin Worm

The Harkin Worm By Will Parkinson “Yes and my eternal gratitude—ten thousand thank-you’s, inlaid with gold leaf upon stationary scented with lilac, or perhaps lily-of-the-valley…” This will be my opening statement when I present the culmination of my feverous four years of research to the American Philo-Psychological Society, the boon of my career: The Harkin … [DO NOT CLICK]

area 22

area 22 — “How can you taste anything if you can’t smell?” I was busy in the kitchen making biscuits. “I don’t know, Patrice, you tell me.” She didn’t say. I could see heat waves off the oven. It was 11:32 on a Sunday. Long night last night. Our horrible dog kept running around and … [DO NOT CLICK]


by Anonymous Let me tell you my dream, the boy said, holding up a finger. I was in my father’s car. I cut myself on the dial of the radio of my father’s car. The knob broke off; my hand broke off. I felt for it in the seats and under them. When I looked … [DO NOT CLICK]


dddddddd12322. Look faggot, I’m more than willing to publish your stupid ARG, but you have to understand that nobody will appreciate it. It’s likely that nobody will even see it. Nobody comes here. He may even be here right now.

Eddie Van Halen

by Anonymous You were the antiquarian of driving a Thunderbird out of a high school parking lot on a crisp Thursday afternoon while your girl hands you your first Miller Lite of the weekend. You were the turbine spinning as people cheer so hard on Daytona’s infield that rolled up Playboys fly out of the … [DO NOT CLICK]

Tractate 23

In the Tribune des frozen Devil Nations while memories blood and madness are refused The myth of  the blue-eyed Atlantis was only a fairy tale Dumpster Crack-Cocaine Movie Grounds Media Striptease Succubus Anal Dilation https myself entity soul picture learn hate angel crack The Enteric IT predators of totalitarianism sorcerous communism the geared tech-organic probes … [DO NOT CLICK]

hegel in a stoned brain (just making sure u got it)

In the previous issue of this publication, a short article on Hegel was published. As one critic on this board already noted, there has been a fair amount of  “cock-suckery” related to Hegel recently– perhaps the board has finally begun to reckon with the titan of German Idealism. Although I am happy to see more … [DO NOT CLICK]

Dogemage to Catalonia

You were expecting something worth reading? Alas, another fool fallen into an unseen trap (not gay by the way) I bet you feel “shafted” get it? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha How funny you must find me, truly How large my intellect must seem, truly What a retard … [DO NOT CLICK]